Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

The Important Of Using English In The World

In the global era, as now, there will be more developments in this country. Starting from free trade, more and more established foreign firms in Indonesia so that the use of language internasonal as English is already very widespread, of course, to the prospective entrepreneurs and job seekers has become a necessity to be able to master the English language in order to follow the changing times in this era this globalization. Like what his great influence in the international English language?

English is the language most widely used in the world. This language is the mother tongue for more than 400 million people worldwide. every day millions of people use English in the workplace and in social life. When heads of state meet, the English language is the language most often used. And when people from different nations meet each other, English is the only language used by their liaison.

therefore I am proud to be a citizen of Indonesia because according to research by the tongue of Indonesia more adaptable to foreign languages than any other country .. :D

Corious Why I Chose RPL?

Because in the field of RPL has a very broad scope, and only a few people are able to learn in the field of RPL, RPL is not easy to learn, but also it is possible to be controlled, so proud of you guys who are currently or have been going out for RPL. Why I can opine like that? because at this time have a lot of evidence of successful people who came from the RPL, call it the richest people in the world today, Bill Gates, he became wealthy today because of his knowledge in the field of RPL.

My goal in fact is to be a System Analyst Professional, it is the target of my medium to long term targets, I hope it will be more just than a System Analyst. Although this time my school emphasizes learning in Web Programming, which obviously is not so much related to System Analyst, but I believe that one day, I can reach out and be what I aspire for this.

Haha.. So Believe In Youre Self..!

About Me

Welcome to my blog, My Friends.
I am so happy to visit my blog in this occasion. Well, my name is Cyntha Anugrah Pradana Saputra. I come from Temanggung. I was born in Temanggung, on May 12th, 1998. My family and I live at Kelapa 1 street number 9, Paduraksa, Pemalang. My hobby is gaming and music. I really love music. Even, I have a dream to be a famous and cool person :D. I I ever be a head master but seems like i never can do that. Teaching is the other thing that I love. Since I study at AKN Kajen, I began to learn about tegnology. Besides that, I also learning english from video games however using a english subtitle. That is why I am very interested in learning English. I have 1 sister and 1 daughter. They are Anindya Putri Ramadhani and he's not yet have name because still in My Mother (You Now What I Means) :D. I really love them. They really support my career. We often spend time together in the weekend. I think that’s all about myself. Thank you so much for your nice attention.
Wassalamualikum. Wr.Wb.

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Menghitung Volume Kerucut Menggunakan Progam Dev-C++ 5.11

1. Buka aplikasi Dev-C++ 5.11

2. Buatlah source file terbaru dengan menggunakan Ctrl + N.

3. Kemudian masukkan rumus seperti di bawah ini;

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    char nama[100] = "Kelompok 4";
    float r;
    float t;
    float v;
    cout<<"Program Menghitung Volume Kerucut";
    cout<<"\n\nDibuat Oleh : "; cout<<nama;
    cout<<"\n\nMasukkan nilai jari-jari : "; cin>>r;
    cout<<"Anda telah memasukkan nilai "; cout<<r; cout<<" sebagai jari-jari";
    cout<<"\n\nMasukkan nilai tinggi\t : "; cin>>t;
    cout<<"Anda telah memasukkan nilai "; cout<<t; cout<<" sebagai tinggi";
    v = (3.14 * r * r * t)/3;
    cout<<"\n\nVolume kerucut adalah "; cout<<v; cout<<" cm3.";
    return 0;

4. Compile file tersebut dan simpan menggunakan tombol F9, beri nama sesuai keinginan anda berformat .cpp

5. Kemudian jalankan source file tersebut dengan cara F10, masukkan angka sesuai yang anda inginkan.

Selamat Mencoba.. Semoga Bermanfaat.. :)

Sumber : Kelompok 4 RPL Kelas 1A

Menghitung Luas Permukaan Kubus Menggunakan Dev-C++ 5.11

1. Pertama Buka Aplikasi Dev-C++ 5.11.

2. Klik Ctrl + N hingga terbuka judul untitled1.

3. Karena kita akan membuat progam penghitungan luas permukaan kubus , maka masukkan source seperti di bawah ini;

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    char nama[100] = "Kelompok 4";
    float s;
    float l;
    cout<<"Program Menghitung Luas Permukaan Kubus";
    cout<<"\n\nDibuat Oleh\t\t : "; cout<<nama;
    cout<<"\n\nMasukkan nilai sisi\t : "; cin>>s;
    cout<<"Anda telah memasukkan nilai "; cout<<s; cout<<" sebagai panjang sisi.";
    l = 6 * (s * s);
    cout<<"\n\nLuas permukaan kubus adalah "; cout<<l; cout<<" cm2.";
    return 0;

 4. Compile source tersebut dengan cara F9 lalu simpan dengan nama sesuai yang anda inginkan berformat .cpp

5. Jalankan source tersebut dengan melakukan F10. Cobalah memasukkan angka sesuai keinginan anda :)

Semoga Bermanfaat.... :)

Sumber : Kelompok 4 RPL Kelas 1A

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Menghitung Luas Keliling Lingkaran Menggunakan Progam Dev-C++ 5.11

1. Pertama Buka Aplikasi Dev-C++ 5.11.

2.Klik Klik -> New -> Source File. Atau dapat dilakukan dengan menekan Ctrl + N.

3. Masukkan source progam seperti dibawah ini ;

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()
    char nama[100] = "Kelompok 4";
    float r;
    float k;
    cout<<"Program Menghitung Keliling Lingkaran";
    cout<<"\n\nDibuat Oleh\t\t : "; cout<<nama;
    cout<<"\n\nMasukkan nilai jari-jari : "; cin>>r;
    cout<<"Anda telah memasukkan nilai "; cout<<r; cout<<" sebagai jari-jari";
    k = 2 * 3.14 * r;
    cout<<"\n\nKeliling lingkaran adalah "; cout<<k; cout<<" cm.";
    return 0;

4..Setelah menulis source nya , compile cpp tersebut dengan mengklik ikon yang dilingkar merah, apabila source tersebut benar maka akan menampilkan file dibawah.

5. Berikutnya, kita jalankan progamnya menggunakan Ctrl + F10 atau klik ikon yang dilingkari.

6. Terakhir, kita masukkan perintah untuk dijalankan progam, misal kita memasukkan angka "9" maka progam akan menampilkan hasil tersebut sesuai perintah.

Silahkan Dicoba.. Semoga Bermanfaat! :))

Sumber : Kelompok 4 PKPL Kelas 1A


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